Polish, Norwegian or both: attempts at large-scale studies on language and cognitive development. Findings and challenges
- closing conference for the PolkaNorski project
The conference aimed to bring together researchers and professionals studying and working with linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects of the mono- and bilingual upbringing of Polish, Norwegian
and Polish-Norwegian children.
The PolkaNorski team presented the results of their five core studies and two external experts:
Natalia Kartushina and Hanne Gram Simonsen discussed the results.
Keynote talks were delivered by Natalia Kartushina (UiO) and Karolina Muszyńska (UW).
Natalia Kartushina delivered a talk: "Early language development in Norwegian infants" extending the results obtained by our project.
Karolina Muszyńska gave a talk: ”StarWords – early language development in monolingual and multilingual settings: Study overview and challenges of remote longitudinal data collection”.
The conference provided a virtual space for discussing relevant theoretical and practical issues.
TIME: Thursday, 14.03.2024; 10.00 am - 4.30 pm (CET)
The language of the conference was English.
Full programme:
10:00-10:10: Welcome by PIs: Nina Gram Garmann & Ewa Haman
10:10-10:40: Keynote 1: Natalia Kartushina: Early language development in Norwegian infants
10:40-10:55: Disscusion
10:55-11:00: Break
11:00-11:30: PolkaNorski talk 1: The best start to bilingual development: aligning parental beliefs with science presented by Agnieszka Dynak and Katarzyna Bajkowska
11:30-12:00: PolkaNorski talk 2: Developmental mechanisms of word acquisition in the second year of life at the behavioral and neural levels presented by Anna Duszyk-Bogorodzka, Itziar Lozano Sanchez and Ingeborg Ribu
12:00-12:30: Discussion with external experts (Hanne Gram Simonsen & Natalia Kartushina)
12:30-13:00: Lunch break
13:00-13:30: Keynote 2: Karolina Muszyńska: StarWords – early language development in monolingual and multilingual settings: Study overview and challenges of remote longitudinal data collection
13:30-14:00: PolkaNorski talk 3: Early vocabulary development in Polish-Norwegian children: A study with parental reports presented by Grzegorz Krajewski and Michelle White
14:00-14:25: Discussion with external experts (Hanne Gram Simonsen & Natalia Kartushina)
14:25-14:30: Break
14:30-15:00: PolkaNorski talk 4: Vocabulary development in mono- and bilingual preschoolers: Norming of the Polish and Norwegian LITMUS-Cross-Linguistic Lexical Tasks presented by Magdalena Łuniewska-Etenkowska and Pernille Hansen
15:00-15:30: PolkaNorski talk 5: Knowledge-building in Norway and Poland: How family and preschool contribute to children's learning about living things presented by Andrzej Tarłowski, Jolanta Kilanowska and Mari Sandbakken
15:30-16:00: Discussion with external experts (Hanne Gram Simonsen & Natalia Kartushina)
16:00-16:30: Summary and take-home messages (External Experts & PIs)
You may contact us by e-mail: projekt.polkanorski@psych.uw.edu.pl Ewa Komorowska (project manager): ewa.komorowska@psych.uw.edu.pl
PolkaNorski project is funded with Norway Grants (www.norwaygrants.org) via National Science Centre (www.ncn.gov.pl) within the GRIEG call. Project title: “Polish and Norwegian language and world knowledge development in mono- and multilingual children” (UMO-2019/34/H/HS6/00615; funding: approx. 1500000 EUR)
PolkaNorski project is funded with Norway Grants (www.norwaygrants.org) via National Science Centre (www.ncn.gov.pl) within the GRIEG call. Project title: “Polish and Norwegian language and world knowledge development in mono- and multilingual children” (UMO-2019/34/H/HS6/00615; funding: approx. 1500000 EUR)