Meet our team and our collaborators
MultiLADA Team
Multilingual Language Development and Assessment Lab
Ewa Haman

Ewa Haman is a professor at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Warsaw. Before leading the current projects, she has already carried out projects on the language development of bilingual children. She is the author of the method of designing Cross-Linguistic Lexical Tasks (CLT) and a co-author of several psychometric tests for language assessment of Polish children. She has conducted many workshops for parents and teachers of Polish bilingual children.

Agnieszka Dynak

Agnieszka Dynak is a Research Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw. Her scientific work primarily focuses on language development, but she has also worked on projects investigating the neural correlates of speech and reading development. In the PolkaNorski project, she was responsible for conducting one of the studies, which developed a parental intervention aimed at supporting the multilingual development of young children. She is currently working on creating an e-learning course based on this intervention and is running a grant project examining the relationship between parents' beliefs and the language development of their bilingual children.

Joanna Kamykowska

Joanna Kamykowska is a psychologist and educator by profession. Currently, she is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Warsaw. Before she started doctoral studies, she worked as a diagnostician and an academic teacher. In her doctoral project she deals with the relationship between developmental language disorder and dyslexia.

Ewa Komorowska

Ewa Komorowska is a Polish teacher by education but she also has a passion for Portuguese studies. She defended her doctoral dissertation on teaching Polish as a foreign language for business purposes at the Jagellonian University. Currently, she is a project manager in the PolkaNorski project, as well as a multi-functional assistant in the StarWords project.

Grzegorz Krajewski

Grzegorz Krajewski is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Warsaw. In 2008, he defended his doctorate at the University of Manchester. In 2016, Grzegorz was the coordinator of a project popularizing knowledge about bilingualism. Grzegorz Krajewski is a co-author of the Polish Communicative Development Inventories (CDI). Currently, he manages the development of adaptive (electronic) CDIs and the creation of a CDI for older children.

Magdalena Krysztofiak

Magdalena Krysztofiak is a PhD student in the PolkaNorski project. She graduated from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Warsaw. She was involved in research on the social development of preschool children in a project on theory of mind in typically developing children, children with autism spectrum disorders, and deaf children using cochlear implants. Her scientific interests include linguistic and social development in children.

Magdalena Łuniewska

Magdalena Łuniewska is a research assistant professor at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Warsaw. Her scientific interests include the language development of monolingual and bilingual children, as well as the creation and evaluation of tools for measuring this development. She is currently leading a grant project on intentional bilingualism and coordinating the development of the Cross-Linguistic Lexical Tasks (CLT).

Karolina Muszyńska

Karolina Muszyńska is a Research Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw. Her research interests include language acquisition in monolingual and multilingual children, as well as methods for measuring vocabulary in young children (e.g., through parent reports, including online tools such as mobile applications and questionnaires using computerized adaptive testing). She is currently leading her own research project, "Od Słowa do Zdania (From Word to Sentence)," which examines the relationship between vocabulary and grammar development in monolingual and bilingual children.

Itziar Lozano Sánchez

Itziar Lozano was a post-doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw, where she was involved in WP-2 of the PolkaNorski project. She is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Neurocognitive Development Lab, Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences, where she leads the Sonatina project ‘Early sex differences in attention to the articulating mouth as a female protective candidate mechanism in Autism Spectrum Disorder’. Her main research interest is to study how infants’ early perceptual and attentional abilities scaffold their later language development, the relative roles of language experience and brain maturation in word learning during toddlerhood, and the role of sex-specific mechanisms that may protect language acquisition in typically and atypically developing infants, with a focus on infants at increased likelihood for autism.

Barbara Łukomska

Barbara Łukomska is a PhD candidate in the StarWords project. She is a psychologist and an iberist. Her MA thesis (prepared as part of the Bi-SLI project at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw) concerned the narrative abilities of mono- and bilingual children. She is interested in children's neologisms and word formation in multilingual settings. She is also engaged in translating literature.

Andrzej Tarłowski

Andrzej Tarłowski is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Finance and Management in Warsaw. He is interested in the influence of early experiences with nature on the development of biological knowledge. He studied the role of culture and experience in the development of biological knowledge. In the PolkaNorski project, Andrzej is studying the impact of multilingualism and cultural differences in the educational systems of Poland and Norway on language development and knowledge about the world.

Meet researchers who collaborate with us on MultiLADA's projects
Nina Gram Garmann

Nina Gram Garmann is a professor at the Department of Early Childhood Education at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet). She has been studying the phonological and lexical development of mono- and multilingual children, language assessment tools and the language environment for multilingual children in kindergartens (Norwegian barnehage). Prof. Garmann is the principal investigator on the Norwegian side in the PolkaNorski project and a part of the StarWords and Sonata projects.

Pernille Hansen

Pernille Hansen is a professor at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (Norway) and has extensive experience in the study of Polish-Norwegian bilingual childrenat early school age, especially with Norwegian CLT which she co-authors. Pernille is involved in StarWords, PolkaNorski, and CLT projects.

Anna Sara Hexeberg Romøren

Anna Sara Hexeberg Romøren is an assistant professor at the Department of Early Childhood Education at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) in Norway. She is involved in several research projects on acquiring intonation in different languages (BlikSSt), developing CDI in Norwegian (LAT), and observing the use of languages in kindergartens (Multiple Languages). Anna Sara is involved in StarWords and PolkaNorski projects.

Natalia Gagarina

Natalia Gagarina is the head of the Research Area 2 'Language Development & Multilingualism' at the Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS). Her research focuses on monolingual and bilingual (a)typical language acquisition in the domains of lexicon and morphosyntax. In recent years, she has worked intensively on the macro- and microstructure of narratives and the development of language assessment methods for multilingual children. Natalia Gagarina is currently involved in the CLT project.

Joanna Kołak

Joanna Kołak is a lecturer in language development at the Institute of Education, University College London, in the United Kingdom. Her research focuses on the language development of monolingual and multilingual children (primarily vocabulary and morphology) and the educational potential of media. Currently, she is analyzing language in videos watched by children on YouTube and shared media use by children and parents in the context of language development. At MultiLADA, she has collaborated on projects such as the StarWords study and an intervention study. As part of her science communication efforts, she offers consultations and training sessions and runs an educational Instagram account about bilingualism and child development in the media world. She is also the author of parenting guides.

Eirik Tengesdal

Eirik Tengesdal is an assistant professor of Norwegian language at the Department of Early Childhood Education (BLU) at OsloMet. He is also a visiting researcher in linguistics at the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies (ILN) at the University of Oslo (UiO). He is pursuing a PhD at the University of Oslo, specializing in Scandinavian linguistics. His doctoral research focuses on analyzing prosodic variation in Norwegian verb-particle constructions. This project is part of the RCN-funded project "Variation and Change in the Scandinavian Verb Phrase."

Ingeborg Sophie Ribu

Ingeborg Sophie Ribu is an associate professor in the field of special and inclusive education. Her research interests include language development, language disorders, multilingualism, and the relationship between language and cognitive abilities.

Former collaborators
Meet researchers who collaborated with us on our previous projects
Meet the scholarship recipients working on our projects
Weronika Araszkiewicz

Weronika Araszkiewicz is a fourth-year psychology student at the University of Warsaw and the Vice President of the El Niño UW Student Association for Child and Youth Psychology. Her research interests are tied to developmental psychology. In the future, she aims to conduct research with deaf children and is currently improving her proficiency in Polish Sign Language (PJM). She is a scholarship recipient under the MultiLADA grant on intentional bilingualism and, as of January 2025, is responsible for statistical tasks within the project.

Alicja Jeleń

Alicja Jeleń is a Cognitive Science student at the University of Warsaw. For her bachelor's thesis, based on data from the PolkaNorski project, she is studying the topic of cognates. She is also a scholarship recipient in the DwuZam project, which focuses on intentional bilingualism—a topic aligned with her interests in childhood bilingualism. Additionally, as part of the PolkaNorski-Implemented project, she co-conducts research on the beliefs of practitioners working with bilingual children.

Zofia Kordas

Zofia Kordas is a scholarship recipient in the grant on intentional bilingualism. She has been collaborating with the MultiLADA team since March 2024. Currently, she is a third-year Cognitive Science student at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw, where she is working on a co-authored bachelor's thesis with Alicja Jeleń on the cognate effect in bilingual children from the PolkaNorski project.

Meet our alumni
Katarzyna Bajkowska

Piotr Król

Dorota Orzeszek

Sonia Przygocka